Listening - I've just finished listening to a serialisation on Radio National of Susan Maushart's new book, "The Winter of Our Disconnect", about the six months she and her teenage children spent digital-free. Trying to go six hours without gadgets here is hard enough. We used to be such Luddites; I don't know what happened to us. I do know that I enjoyed Susan's book, even if it is a little pun-heavy.
Reading - too many blogs. See above. My favourites at the moment ? Blogs that remind me of life a few years ago when we spent a lot more time doing hands-on projects together.. Here or here
Creating - safer ground here. Poems. Plans.
Wondering - about the ethics of spending a huge sum on money on the health of a ( very sweet, much loved, still young ) guinea pig.
Researching - mines, darkness, rescue equipment.
Hoping - that the guinea pig is miraculously cured by morning.
A thought - When you want to teach children to think, you begin by treating them seriously when they are little, giving them responsibilities, talking to them candidly, providing privacy and solitude for them, and making them readers and thinkers of significant thoughts from the beginning. That's if you want to teach them to think. --Bertrand Russell
Some pictures I'm sharing - our most recent hands-on moment - a sun print made by Snowy. To my shame, we only did this project because I needed to write about it for the HEA magazine 'Stepping Stones'. Bad mama! Must..Do..Better. We were supposed to plant sunflower seeds this week but the birds ate them. Not from the soil - we didn't get that far - but from the packet...
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