Thursday, April 28, 2011

First Day Back - 2nd Term, 2nd Grade

Snowy was agitating for another two days holiday. "It doesn't make any sense to start school on a Thursday." So I was kind and let him do school-lite today.

10.00 - I was busy with the girls before this and Snowy was busy drawing Mario Worlds. At 10 we sat down at the kitchen table and worked on the two and ten times tables.

10.30 - Snowy read me a chapter from his new Aussie Nibbles book Fast Grandma. I'm trying not to jump in so much and give him time to figure out unfamiliar words.

10.45 - Lucy and I spent a ( futile ) minute telling Snowy how lucky he is to have a new handwriting book! He completed a page of downstroke revision. All that pencil holding correction over the last year has worked - he corrects his own pencil hold now.

11.15 - He had a bit of a break and I had time between working with the girls to read a chapter aloud from one of our nature study books, The Story of Kurri Kurri the Kookaburra by Leslie Rees. Much hilarity around my kookaburra impersonation.

Back to drawing Mario Worlds.

1.30 - I read Snowy a Nanny Piggins chapter while he practiced indoor bowling on my bed. ( It was pouring outside and there was a little pent up energy in the house.) We're between read-alouds. We've finally finished the Borrower books, all five of which Snowy insisted I read in a row. I even dream I'm a borrower sometimes.

2.30 - I suggested a game of draughts. We played. Snowy won.

Back to making Lego Mario Worlds...

What he didn't do..but will do come Monday.
*phonics lesson
* Kurri Kurri narration
* extra subject - this term he's doing maps/science/Shakespeare/art - one subject per day.

* go for a walk or spend time outdoors - if he gets completely stir crazy we'll go out anyway.

A completely adequate amount of work for a 7yr old. In my opinion!

At 4.00 the weather cleared and we went for our walk.  The oval had turned into a swamp and we stopped for a while to watch the ibis feeding, the long curve of their beaks digging into the wet ground.  One ibis bathed in the water. I remembered that we'd spent some time this morning watching a pigeon on our fence grooming itself, all ruffled seriousness.  The oval is a magical place; yesterday we saw a full, double rainbow - the second in as many weeks. I like to walk there and feel the day gather meaning to itself.


  1. Legos rule supreme in our home, too! =D

  2. We're getting ready to start The Borrowers, but the kids are insisting we do all the Moomintrolls first.

  3. We moved on to The Cricket in Times Square last night and thank God for that! We had too much of a ggod thing with the Borrowers...
